Over one million singing and supporting members in around 15,000 choirs – the German Choral Association (DCV) is Germany’s first address for vocal music, under whose umbrella 20 member organisations and the German Choral Youth are organized. As a cultural and socio-political representative of the interests of singers in Germany, the DCV works together with strong cultural, social and political partners such as choral and music associations, federal and state music academies, universities or music publishers. The aim is to give choral singing and the subject of singing a strong voice both among the general public and among decision-makers in culture, politics and society. Among the projects and programs regularly organized and supported by the DCV are the German Choral Festival in alternating host cities, chor.com as a forum, professional congress and festival for the protagonists of the choral scene, the annual capital city festival Chor@Berlin, the initiative for singing in daycare centers and kindergartens “Die Carusos” as well as the professional and member magazine “Chorzeit – das Vokalmagazin”.