Siri Myggen is a singer, conductor, and composer, educated as a soloist in Vocal Leadership from The Royal Academy of Music in Denmark.
Siri has specialized in creating vocal art formats in the intersection of composition and improvisation. She is passionate about what she calls “Creative Choir” – singing and music with play and creativity as the most important agenda. She works with live composition and co-creation for both vocalists and instrumentalists, using the conductor sign language system “vocal painting,” among other methods. She has applied her methods to everyone from nursery children to professional musicians and is a frequently used workshop and course facilitator.
Siri works as the artistic director of the electronic vocal collective Echoes in Veil and as the conductor of the Copenhagen based a cappella choir Vokalkompagniet. When she go on stage herself, it is usually accompanied by her best extended arms: keyboards, laptop, loop station, and effect pedals.